
CARM Transition Webinar - Offering 4

May 01

2:00pm-3:00pm EST


Our Customs experts will walk you through everything you need to know in order to transition your importing process from present day to CARM before the fast-approaching deadline. 我们将提供四场讲座,但请注意您只需要参加其中一场.

The topics that will be covered include: 

  • CARM客户端门户-授权 
  • Bond 
  • 180 day transition period 
  • CBSA blackout period 
  • Largest changes coming 
  • 审查员在确认关税和税收方面的作用 
  • SIMA (Special Import Measures Act)
  • OIC Codes 
  • Documents & Data available after CARM R2
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Vámeljárások AZ Alapoktól – Betekintés AZ ÁRuosztályozás, A Származás éS a vámérték Szabályaiba

May 08

10:00am-11:30am CET



A webináron kereszt l kiváló lehetőséged nyílik, Hogy friss információkat szrezz az aktuális vámszabályokról, vámeljárásokról és az ezzel kapcsolatos kérdések tisztázása elengedhetetlen a vámeljárások lefolytatásához.

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May 08

12:00pm-1:00pm CST


Having an effective Export Compliance Program helps companies minimize risks of violating the EAR and streamline their export operations.

• Identify risks in their operations

In this session, we will review the key elements of a corporate-wide assessment to identify gaps in your export compliance program.


The Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) became acutely aware of vulnerabilities in export control programs following the terrorist events of September 11, 2001. As a result, BIS has committed significant funding and resources to amend and introduce new regulations, as well as increase enforcement activities.

In 2023, the Office of Export Enforcement launched the Disruptive Technology Strike Force with the Department of Justice to protect U.S. advanced technologies from illegal acquisition and use by nation-state adversaries like Russia, China, and Iran. 该部队还针对重大的国家安全威胁采取了执法行动, 包括有史以来最高的定罪数字, Temporary Denial Orders, and post-conviction denial orders; and strengthened enforcement policies to help keep the most critical U.S. 十大正规买球平台从最危险的人手中脱离.

The Department of Commerce and the Justice Department have publicly stated that "There are going to have to be some penalties that get everyone's attention," and that there will be more aggressive enforcement of export controls and sanctions for national security.
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The Importance of Incoterms

May 09

11:00am-12:00pm EST


INCOTERMS are International Commercial Terms that provide a set of rules for the interpretation of the most commonly used terms in foreign trade.

在整个网络研讨会中,David Stiles将进一步向观众介绍国际贸易术语解释通则:

  • What they are
  • How to use them
  • How not to use them
  • 它们如何影响供应链的风险和责任.


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May 14

10:00am-11:00am CST


Nearshoring remains an industry buzzword. 你们是将生产转移到北美还是扩大生产设施?

U.S. companies are expanding production and adding new suppliers in an effort to move manufacturing closer to their customer base. Join Expeditors Project & Energy Services team to understand the best practices that will help you avoid unnecessary costs and meet your projects’ timeline.

Topics to be covered:
  • 协调超大货物的实物运输
  • 学会在更复杂的物流环境中预料到意外
  • 与经验丰富的项目货运十大正规买球平台合作,规划合适的路线
  • 导航专门的交付需求
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GLC Italy

May 21

9:00am-6:00pm CET

萨瓦的普林西比酒店,共和国广场,17 -米兰


After the success of the 2023 edition, 我们很自豪地宣布,全球物流会议也将于2024年在米兰举行! 该活动将于2024年5月21日星期二在意大利举行,是免费的 萨瓦的普林西比酒店,共和国广场,17 -米兰.

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May 21

11:00am-12:00pm EST


From the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse tragedy to the impending ILA/USMX contract negotiations and the ongoing Suez Canal conflict, 海洋市场状况仍然不稳定,受到干扰. Join a panel of Expeditors Ocean experts to review and discuss how to navigate the second half of 2024.

Topics to be discussed include:

- Market Dynamics and Conditions
- ILA / USMX Labor Contract Negotiations
- Port of Baltimore Incident Impacts
- Red Sea / Panama Canal Conditions

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Onyx Strategic Insights -十字路口的欧洲:2024-25年政策展望(选项1)

May 21

1:00pm-2:00pm GMT


This webinar will help you anticipate policy shifts that will impact your supply chains in Europe and around the world:
•谁将赢得欧盟议会选举? We'll analyze the political aims of the major parliamentary groups and how the results will impact policy.
• Key policy areas: Trade, sustainability, foreign relations (Ukraine/Russia, China), and more.
• Expected changes in the EU Commission: Leadership shifts and potential impact on labor, infrastructure, taxes, trade, and industrial policy.
•欧洲与世界的关系:与美国的关系不断演变, China, 俄罗斯以及对欧洲制裁政策的影响, trade, and defense.
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May 22

10:00am-12:00pm EDT



了解国际贸易术语解释通则对进口商至关重要, exporters, 以及服务提供商在国际贸易中无缝导航. In our upcoming free webinar, 我们将深入研究2020年国际贸易术语解释通则的核心, 定义它们在全球商业中的重要性和应用. 加入我们,我们探索有关国际运输的基本成本组成部分, 确保在整个交易过程中明确财务责任. 我们还将讨论运输的关键时刻, risk, 成本从卖方转移到买方, 使您能够为您的业务做出明智的决定. Don't miss this opportunity to gain invaluable insights into optimizing your international trade operations.

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Incoterms 101 – The Basics, Importance & Just what are they?

May 22

10:00am-11:00am PST


Incoterms 101 – The Basics, Importance & Just what are they?

What You'll Learn:

-What are Incoterms?
-What are they not designed to do?
-Breakdown of Incoterms

Get a better idea on understanding the ownership and risks associated with each term and how selecting them impacts the flow of your goods.

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Insurance Impact Webinar

May 22

10:00am-11:15am GMT


Marine Insurance: 

  • The risks covered
  • 为什么控制保险很重要
  • The effect of War, strikes, and sanctions
  • What to do in the event of a claim

Commercial Insurance:

  • 在选举年,SASRIA报道的重要性
  • 太阳能装置,你有足够的覆盖? 
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May 22

3:00pm-4:00pm BST


Logistics and Supply Chains continue to face a myriad of disruptions at an alarming rate and frequency. 您是否正在努力应对物流和供应链面临的挑战? We believe strong data foundations and smart technology adaption are key to building a more resilient and responsible supply chain.

加入Expeditors供应链解决方案十大正规买球平台Wes Mupararano, Principal Supply Chain Solutions, Europe and Ian Mallinson, 供应链解决方案副总裁讨论:

  • 为什么数据和十大正规买球平台对弹性供应链至关重要?
  • How can you leverage data and technology in your Logistics and Supply Chain to build resilience?
  • 什么策略可以帮助你现在,并从案例研究中学习?
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Onyx Strategic Insights - Europe at a Crossroads: Policy Outlook for 2024-25 (Option 2) - 052324

May 23

8:00am-9:00am PDT


This webinar will help you anticipate policy shifts that will impact your supply chains in Europe and around the world:
•谁将赢得欧盟议会选举? We'll analyze the political aims of the major parliamentary groups and how the results will impact policy.
• Key policy areas: Trade, sustainability, foreign relations (Ukraine/Russia, China), and more.
• Expected changes in the EU Commission: Leadership shifts and potential impact on labor, infrastructure, taxes, trade, and industrial policy.
•欧洲与世界的关系:与美国的关系不断演变, China, 俄罗斯以及对欧洲制裁政策的影响, trade, and defense.
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May 23

11:00am-12:00pm EDT


Join us for an engaging discussion with industry experts from Expeditors as we explore the dynamic landscape of cross-border trade between the United States, Canada, and Mexico. 我们的网络研讨会将深入探讨市场中的相关主题, including current trends, border operations, and transportation solutions crucial for navigating the Northern and Southern borders seamlessly. Discover innovative strategies and best practices to ensure the efficient movement of goods throughout your supply chain. Don't miss out on this opportunity to gain valuable insights into optimizing your cross-border operations and driving success in international trade.

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Zollverfahren & Außenhandel

May 28

10:00am-11:30am CET


Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
wir laden Sie herzlich ein, an unserem exklusiven Webinar rund um das Thema "Zollverfahren & Außenhandel" teilzunehmen! Am Dienstag, 28. Mai 2024 haben Sie die Möglichkeit, von Experten aus Zoll / IHK und Expeditors Ihr eigenes Wissen zu erweitern und im Rahmen des gesonderten Q&A Session Ihre Fragen zu stellen.
Diese Themen stellen wir im Fokus:
  • Entwaldungsfreie Lieferketten (Deforesting)
  • Allgemeine Zollinstruktionen
  • 《十大正规赌博平台大全排行》(Gestellung von Exporten Ausfuhrbescheinigung f r Umsatzsteuerzwecke)
  • Aufschubkonten
  • 单一窗口(欧盟Zentrale Zollabwicklung)
  • "Trust and Check“ Traders
Datum: Dienstag, 28. Mai 2024
Uhrzeit: 10:00 - 11:30 Uhr CET
Sprache: Deutsch
Sichern Sie sich jetzt Ihren Platz und melden Sie sich noch heute kostenfrei und unverbindlich für das Webinar an!
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U.S Air Market Update Webinar

May 29

8:00am-9:00am PST


加入Expeditors作为美国产品领导者提供美国航空市场的概述. 我们将讨论全球市场的需求和产能, Expeditors capacity, USA market exports and imports, and more, with time allotted for a Q&A session.

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Ocean Port Seminar

May 30

9:00am-2:30pm CET

未来世界,欧洲版902,港湾号8360,鹿特丹Maasvlakte 3199


鹿特丹的历史可以追溯到1270年,当时在罗特河上建造了一座大坝. 这导致在大坝周围形成了一个社区来保护. By 1340, Rotterdam earned its city status from the Count of Holland and gradually evolved into an important hub for logistics and commerce. 随着工业革命的开始, changes swept across the globe, increasing interdependence among nations. In 600 years, 鹿特丹从一个不起眼的渔港变成了欧洲最大的港口, 多亏了许多有远见的人的努力.

For this event, we're thrilled to have you here in this remarkable location at the Port of Rotterdam. 上次远洋港口研讨会已经过去一年了,所以我们很高兴能再次举办. 我们知道,每个人都感受到了市场快速变化的影响. 业务变得更加复杂、更具挑战性和要求更高. Through this gathering, we aim to promote the exchange of knowledge and insights about the industry and the market to help you stay ahead of these tough times.

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